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Community GuidelinesUpdated 2 years ago

It is important to all of us at Wilshire Collections that we create a welcoming and positive environment for all. 

We ask that all followers and subscribers adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Be kind and courteous to everyone through all communication and actions

  2. Respect everyone's viewpoints even if different from your own

  3. No hate speech, bullying or harassment

  4. No promotions or spam

  5. Respect everyone's privacy

If any of these guidelines are violated we may make the decision, at our own discretion, to ban you from any or all of our pages, groups or events. Depending on the situation, we may also decide to stop your subscription payments and remove you from any of the subscription groups you are a part of. 

Thank you for your understanding and we appreciate your help in keeping Wilshire Collections a fun, friendly and safe environment for all!

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